This is us looking for some Aggots. Some rock that is hard to find.
The coast.

Really old tree.

Well, Natalie asked if I would throw some stuff on the blog. It's been a VERY long time since we've put anything on here, so we deicided we would let everyone know we are alive.
We are both doing well, and going to school. Natalie is almost done! She will finish in just a month and a half, then be able to get her RN this summer.
For Thanksgiving this year, we were able to go to Oregon with my family (The Allens) and our cousins, The Baxters and stay in a couple of nice houses on the coast. It was tons of fun. Here are a few pictures below. The one above is also from a light house on the coast.

This is us looking for some Aggots. Some rock that is hard to find.
The coast.
Really nice view.

Really old tree.
Not in Oregon. This was at Bear Lake last summer. We rented wave runners and had a blast! Man, it's been forever since we updated this!
Bella is growing a lot. She is still really little but can be quite the pain. She chews on everything, and we never catch her in time! We will get some pictures of her soon.
March Madness is also starting. Woot! GO COUGARS!